Minster Property Group

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    01858 432856

  • info@minsterpropertygroup.co.uk

Modern Approach,
Traditional Values

About Minster property group

Our aim is to form long lasting relationships with all of our partners

Minster Property Group purchase and develop land. We are specialists in sourcing & acquisition of land, planning applications and technical due diligence for the effective delivery of our developments. We are based in Market Harborough, Leicestershire

Land Acquisition

We specialise in sourcing and acquiring land across the country.


We ensure all quantifiable risks are understood through a process of detailed technical site investigations & surveys.


Minster has an impressive planning track record. We engage at an early stage with all relevant parties to ensure a positive outcome is achieved.


Our broad experience enables us to procure, negotiate and manage building contracts effectively.

We specialise in


We focus on high-priority areas and collaborate closely with local authority housing teams, planners, housing providers, and the design team. This collaboration ensures our developments align with market demographics and are built to endure the test of time.

Commercial & Retail

We also acquire land and buildings for commercial and retail uses with the aim of providing attractive environments to visit, work or shop.

Our Projects

Our Developments